Bologna Peacebuilding Forum 2021
Peacebuilding and Climate Change
18-19 May 2021
15:00-17:00 CEST
On Zoom
Session 1 – 15:00-16:00
Climate, conflicts and peacebuilding
Guiding question: How does climate change affect both the causes and evolution of armed conflicts and what are the implications for peacebuilding?
● Farah Hegazi, SIPRI
● Oli Brown, Chatham House
● Ayan Mahamoud, Intergovernmental Authority on Development
Moderator: Bernardo Monzani, Agency for Peacebuilding
Session 2 – 16:00-17:00
Environmental peacebuilding
Guiding questions: What opportunities do climate change and related environmental issues offer for enhancing the prospects of a durable peace?
● Julie Raasten, European Institute for Peace (EIP)
● Mariko Peters, European External Action Service (EEAS)
● Olivia Lazard, Carnegie Europe
Moderator: Giulia Caroli, CGIAR
17:00 Final remarks: Bernardo Venturi, Agency for Peacebuilding
Session 1 – 15:00 – 16:00
Environmental Security & Climate Change in the Mediterranean
Guiding questions: How is climate change impacting armed conflicts and peace processes in the Mediterranean region? What is the state of play
of international climate diplomacy and multilateral efforts to address the relationship between climate change and security in the Mediterranean? What lessons can be drawn for or from other regions?
- Keynote Speech: Grammenos Mastrojeni, Union for the Mediterranean
- Speaker (paper-giver): Jüergen Scheffran, University of Hamburg
- Discussant: Marwa Daoudy, Georgetown University School of Foreign Service (SFS) and Center for Contemporary Arab Studies (CCAS)
Moderator: Emiliano Alessandri, OSCE Secretariat
Session 2 – 16:00-17:00
Food (in)Security and Climate Change in the Mediterranean
Guiding questions: How will climate change and the climate-food nexus affect conflicts in the wider Mediterranean region and what mitigating strategies can be put in place to better manage implications in the socio-economic, political and environmental domains?
- Speaker (paper-giver): Yara Asi, Arab Center Washington DC
- Discussant: Ruth Hanau Santini, Università degli Studi di Napoli “L’Orientale” and World Food Programme
Moderator: Andrea Dessì, Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI)